Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Stem Cell Research

Let me first clarify a major misconceived notion about stem cell research. Stem cell research must always kill a embryo (fertilized egg) in order to have a stem cell. Wrong! The truth is there are many different kinds of stem cell: embryonic stem cells, embryonic germ stem cells (from the fetus attained by abortion), fat stem cells (liposuction), bone marrow stem cells, umbilical cord stem cells, amniotic fluid stem cells (fluid around the baby, taken when a mother gives birth), cadaver stem cells (dead people), and other adult stem cells. The research has show to be very successful in using adult stem cells, particularly bone marrow stem cells taken from the hip. In fact, not one disease has been cured through using embryonic stem cells.

I support stem cell research. However I do not agree with any kind of embryonic stem cell research. I think it's too hard to determine the intent in an abortion to allow the use germ cells for stem cell research. Also, it is uncertain to me how valuable the cells from a spontaneous abortion would be, considering that the reason for a spontaneous abortion is usually due to a defect in the embryo. I believe that life begins at conception. Personally I think it sounds a little counter productive to kill life in order to possibly cure other lives. To have life from a fertilized egg is much more certain than the possibility of curing diseases by destroying that life. And when it is completely unnecessary to use embryos in order to do stem cell research; I just don't see the point in flirting with that moral line. At some point the moral line needs to be drawn. Why not draw it where both sides win! Scientists can still do stem cell research using various types of adult stems cells without the moral complications of destroying embryos.

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